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Ed Hidalgo
Chief Innovation and Engagement Officer at Cajon Valley Union School District
Talent Pipeline Adapted for Todays Rapidly Changing Workforce
Attracting and retaining the right talent in today's rapidly changing workforce is more important than ever and it has become more important to begin earlier with students. Innovative leaders are working together, further upstream, redesigning and integrating new approaches to career development including using research-based models like the RIASEC theory, to expose students to in-demand jobs and develop the interests of a future workforce. Results are revealing a pipeline of students that could more closely match organizational needs. FTE guest expert Ed Hidalgo, Chief Innovation and Engagement Officer at Cajon Valley Union School District, shares how the approach is expanding in schools and how this student centered model is beginning to touch the business community through smarter internships that could yield future employees. What engagement models, tools, and partnerships have you used to help workers and businesses find their right place together faster?
FTE Live Show September 7th @ 12pm CST
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